2020-05-11 - 2.1 - Fixed broken compilation with GCC 10. 2020-03-29 - 2.0 - Implemented the tU{hex} command to type any unicode character by specifying its code point in hexadecimal form. - The t{scancode} and tU{hex} commands now only wait for 1 ms instead of 75 ms between the generated press and release events. - Cleaned up source files. 2011-04-04 - 1.6 - Added an example set of working scripts for several games. - Updated the manual to include a description of all supported features. 2010-04-23 - 1.5 - Fixed mouse button release events reported as press events (Windows version). - Fixed events written to standard output not being flushed after each event (Linux version). - Minor cleanup due to compiler warnings. 2008-05-06 - 1.4 - Single letter q works as 'quit' when reading commands from the standard input. - Corrected key codes of the two Windows keys in the win32 source. - Added an enable/disable key to the example configuration and fixed the 'reset scripts' script. - Promoted to stable. 2008-04-21 - 1.3 beta - Implemented flags (boolean variables) and an if/else command. - Added new commands for disabling and enabling event generation and a quit command. - The configuration can now also be specified directly on the command line. - The debug command now supports normal text. - Made semicolons in the configuration optional. - Several bug fixes. 2008-03-17 - 1.2 beta - Added support for reading multiple input devices in parallel. - Enabled specifying multiple configuration files. - Included files are now relative to the parent configuration file, unless full path is specified. - Some minor enhancements to the example script. 2008-03-11 - 1.1 beta - Added support for mouse button and mouse wheel events. - Implemented 'include "file"' command for linking multiple configuration files. - Wildcard notation for bind commands is now also supported within actions. - The '-i=' command-line parameter now also allows just the number of the event file, such as '-i=2'. - Fixed incorrect key codes for extended keys. - Improved the example script. 2008-02-28 - 1.0 beta - Key Scripter can now also be used on Windows. A compiled win32 binary is added to the download packages. - The source code can now be compiled on Windows as well as on Linux. A Windows build script is provided with the source files. To compile Key Scripter on Windows, the latest release of MinGW is required (see http://www.mingw.org/). - Bind commands specified outside of an action support the wildcard notation: bind p* and bind r*. - Improved debug messages. Debug messages are now printed to the standard error output. - Replaced jump-crouch-prone-script.txt with universal-fps-script.txt. - Fixed memory allocation bugs.